Blend Youth Club: Winter well-being
Book a FREE space on these new Winter well-being sessions in our Co-create space, with Blend youth group.
Book a FREE space on these new Winter well-being sessions in our Co-create space, with Blend youth group.
A brand new Art Club for young people in our Co-create space. Different art mediums will be explored led by professional artists. FREE but must book via our online form as per poster details.
Hurrah…come to our launch week of activities in our new community residency space in Belper Coop!
Make a lantern to then take along and join in with Belper Christmas Light Switch on and Derby Season of Light events.
FREE drop-in, creative activities for up to 15 x people…as part of the support sessions to help people with energy bills and to feel less isolated during the colder/darker months.
Deck the halls with…BIG chandeliers and disco dancing! Pop in to our community chandelier workshop as part of the Winter fair and Christmas Lights switch on. Then put on your glitter and head down to have a dance and make something festive at our Daytime Disco Solstice/Christmas PARTY…both in our new community residency space in Belper Coop!
Eat, meet and create together as part of the Food & Community Hub, in Belper Baptist Church, on Bridge Street.
Creative sessions for families, linked to books in Belper Library in school holidays.
We worked with artist, Steph Coley to run Love banner workshops with Blend Youth groups and Long Row Primary School. These were then paraded at the 12,000 strong parade!
Poetry call-out and workshops on the theme of nature, climate, environment…and our relationship to it.
2024 update to clarify confusion about the auction of our old rented building.
We are happy we can support the ‘Happy Mondays’ initiative during the cold months, by offering a variety of free, drop-in, creative activities at No.28 on a Monday as part of the free access sessions to help people feel less isolated and with energy bills.
Creative Lego building activities set by Lego artist/extraordinaire, Tan Draig. One workshop just for adults…one for families. Book soon to secure your place!
Come and help support this under-rated issue that effects so many of us, with a creative well-being activity as part of the Big Blue Vegan Revelation Cafe.
We have lots of FREE events and workshops on for all ages over the Summer, plus a couple of ticketed sessions. Take a look!
Creative Lego building activities set by Lego artist/extraordinaire, Tan Draig. One workshop just for adults…one for families. Book soon to secure your place!
Join artist and trainer, Tan Draig (OBE) on this fun, interactive day that will help you explore and develop your own creative practice.
Please help us continue our positive work with those who need it. We need your support to help us remain stable and fill our funding gaps (all core funding has been pulled this year), in our 40th Birthday year!
Lego for Adults…join Lego extra-ordinaire, Tan Draig and his massive Lego collection, for fun, silly and totally seriously skilled Lego challenges!
Lego for all the family, join Lego extra-ordinaire, Tan Draig and his massive Lego collection, for fun, silly and totally seriously skilled Lego challenges! Booking through the Library in Belper.
FREE drop-in creative table sessions with Poetry and visual art. Then submit your work to the Rotary Art Showcase/competition.
Ukrainian families have been making wire and bead stars to help decorate the Christmas Lights Switch On event on 25th November 5.30pm.
Hurrah…come to Co-create Space to the FREE The Cabin creative sessions to: Meet, Make & Mingle sessions.
Creative sessions for families, linked to books in Belper Library in school holidays.
We are happy we can support the ‘Happy Mondays’ initiative during the cold months, by offering a variety of free, drop-in, creative activities at No.28 on a Monday as part of the free access sessions to help people feel less isolated and with energy bills.
Creative Lego building activities set by Lego artist/extraordinaire, Tan Draig. One workshop just for adults…one for families. Book soon to secure your place!
Join artist and trainer, Tan Draig (OBE) on this fun, interactive day that will help you explore and develop your own creative practice.
Mini road closure Saturday 25th March, 11am – 11.45am on King Street.
We are happy we can support the ‘Warm Spaces’ initiative during the cold months, by offering a variety of free, drop-in, creative activities at No.28 on a Monday as part of the ‘Welcome Meal’ sessions.