At Fleet Arts, we are committed to maintaining the trust and safety of all the people that we work with, ensuring that your privacy is protected in line with the General Data protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018 official guidelines. If we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using our services, it will only be used in accordance with our policy. Fleet Arts may change/update this policy from time to time which you can check by viewing ‘Policies’ on our website page.
This policy is effective from May 2018 and will be reviewed in 2020.

Who we are

We are a community arts charity based in Belper, Derbyshire and committed to delivering quality and diverse creative workshops, projects & events. We work with a variety of groups and organisations across the region ensuring arts provision is engaging and inclusive.

What type of data we keep

When you or your child (as their parent or guardian) book a workshop/s, project or event with Fleet Arts, we will record your name/s, email, contact phone number plus maybe postcode, age, gender and any specific needs you/your child may have.
When contact details are requested within an open space e.g. at an event via a sign-up sheet, therewill be the option to contact Fleet Arts directly if you do not wish to share these with others. In the course of a workshop/project or event, we may take photographs or video and we obtain permission for any images we use through photo consent forms.

How we keep data

All personal data is kept securely in an alarmed building, locked office (with only nominated key holders having access to a key), password protected computer system with secure back-up, files in locked cabinets with keys in a key safe.

What we do with data

If you are employed by Fleet Arts (as an artist, freelancer or volunteer), we will securely keep your personal information for legal, financial and reporting reasons. Any personal information shared when reporting is made anonymous.
If you are a participant with Fleet Arts, we will keep certain information (postcode, age, gender) to fulfil our monitoring and reporting requirements by funders and our Management Committee. Contact/personal details will enable us to meet any individual requirements and to let you know of additional information/changes before a booked workshop/event and we will use Bcc (blind copy) if sending as a group email.
We will also give you the opportunity to be put on a mailing list to be informed of any future similar workshops/projects/events/opportunities. Photographs may be used on promotional material, in the media and on our social media accounts. Any contact details required outside of the office e.g. at a workshop/event in another venue/location, will be emailed to the workshop leader to access if necessary via their phone on site, via a secure password.

Data sharing

Any personal emails (this does not include emails that represent a business) are not passed on to any third party but solely used by Fleet Arts to inform/promote our work to those whose email it is.
We do not collect the identities of those visiting our website.
We do not allow people other than staff to use our WiFi in order to keep our network private and secure.
We do not give or sell your information to third parties for any marketing purposes.
Any information we disclose about you, other than for purposes outlined in this privacy policy, will only be if required to do so by law or for the safety of an individual. To promote our work we may use third party websites (WordPress, Eventbrite, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, SurveyMonkey). We are not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of these third party websites.

Data retention/deletion

Fleet Arts wants you to feel safe sharing personal details with us and all information is kept secure at all times. We will endeavour to make sure your information is accurate and up-to-date and kept for no longer than necessary.
Participants have the right to access their personal information via a ‘Subject Access Request’ taking one month. This needs to be in writing with proof of identity to the Data Controller on email:
You may opt out at any time from us keeping contact details by requesting to do so via email: and we will action this within the designated one month window if it is not required by law that we keep it (financial information is deleted after seven years and DBS details after twenty-five years).