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Street Beats Primary schools Samba Reggae project
Made in the NHS craft sessions for hospitals
Bloomin’ Marvellous outdoor art project for Carers
Belper Library exhibition Derwent Delights project poems
Better Together Welcome Refugee open event
Library Lego creative building family sessions
Memory Cafe film for those living with dementia/carers
Sunny Sunday Arts & music market with No.28
If the Crown Fits, Wear it! Public Jubilee event
World Menopause Day event
Cotton-On project with Youth Council exploring slavery and activism
Amber Valleywood Bollywood dance workshops and Flashmob
Larks in the Parks art sessions
Meet and Make Ukrainian family art sessions
Sunny Sunday arts and craft market
PossibiliTREE: community embroidery with Transition Belper
Creative Lego Building for families
Fleet old venue flea-market
Lantern and sculpture Christmas drop-ins
Live music and Spoken Word at the farmers market
Climate awareness training events
Collage Course online (lockdown)
Derwent Delights poetry online workshops (lockdown)
Derwent Delights project exhibition Cromford Mill
Make it MONDAY online craft tutorials (lockdown)
Bright Belper lantern poster (lockdown)
Fabulous Fleet Friends exhibition of Lockdown work
Go with the FLO NHS project
Grrrl Group music project for teenage girls
Give Guitar a Go lessons for adults
Fleet First Fridays open mic for under 19s
Caring Chorus singing outside care homes (lockdown)
Festive craft packs for Blend Youth group (lockdown)
Positive Postcards project for Foodbank users (lockdown)
SHEAR project with teenage girls marking anniversary of getting the vote
Stencil and Spray graffiti project for teenagers
Therapeutic Textiles for adults with health issues
Rock School for teenagers
NHS Innovate Fleet artist call out
Festive Fleet Freelance event
Feelgood Fleet creative wellbeing sessions
Freelance Festive Fuddle event
Better Together Family disco
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